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Crucial professions in vital processes

Coronate tests: SARS-CoV-2 specific antibody responses in COVID-19 patients.

List of crucial professions

  • Care, youth assistance and social support, including the production and transport of medicines and medical aids
  • Teachers and staff needed at school, such as for distance learning, childcare and exams
  • Public transportation
  • Food chain: the food chain must be viewed in a broad sense. It consists of supermarkets, the supply of supermarkets, the processing industry and the transports of this industry, but also the collection of products from farmers, the supply of, for example, cattle feed and other products to farmers, the access of workers for the harvest
  • Transport of fuels such as coal, oil, petrol and diesel, etc.
  • Transport of waste and refuse
  • Childcare.
  • Media and communication: to provide society with the information it needs to keep abreast of current affairs
  • Continuity of emergency services such as police, defence, control room processes, fire services, ambulance services, GHOR and crisis management of the safety regions
  • Necessary government processes (national, provincial and municipal), e.g. payment of benefits and allowances, civic affairs, consulates and embassies, judicial institutions and forensic clinics
  • Farmers and people working in the funeral business

Vital processes

In addition, the government has issued a list of processes that have been designated as vital. A total of around 100 companies in our country are involved in carrying out these processes. However, only people who fulfil an 'indispensable function' on behalf of one of the vital processes listed below can apply for the reception:

  • Electricity: national and regional transmission and distribution of electricity
  • Gas production: national and regional transmission and distribution of gas
  • Payment traffic: point-of-sale payment traffic, mass giro and interbank payment traffic
  • Internet: Internet and data services, internet access and data traffic
  • Telecom: telecom, voice service and SMS
  • Security: deployment of police and defence forces
  • Oil supply
  • Location and time determination by GNSS
  • Water: drinking water and drinking water supply
  • Water management and water quantity
  • Flight and aircraft handling
  • Shipping settlement
  • Large-scale production/processing and/or storage of (petro)chemical substances
  • Storage, production and processing of nuclear materials
  • High-quality
  • Securities traffic
  • Communication with and between emergency services via 112 and C2000
  • Basic registrations persons and organisations B Digital government processes
  • Interconnectivity (transaction infrastructure for information from base registrations)
  • Electronic messaging and information of citizens
  • Identification and authentication of citizens and companies
  • Transport of persons and goods on (main) railway infrastructure
  • Transport over (main) road network


at 15 Jan 2021

I think it's special to see how well it's becoming visible these days what vital professions are. The care and funeral industry in particular are getting the attention they deserve. Hopefully more and more people will realise that we cannot do without these professionals and that they are our real heroes.

Kitty Vroomen

Kitty Vroomen

at May 11, 2020

Do I qualify as a dentist? I am 62 years old



at 04 May 2020

Security's not on the list either.



at 04 May 2020

What about cab transportation? I drive frail elderly people and patients. I suppose that's also a crucial profession.



at 26 Apr 2020

Strange that laboratories are not listed. I work in a hospital of which 25% (1/4) of my colleagues have been infected (only the lab, so the rest of the hospital is not included). We also receive and work with samples from COVID-19 patients. From what perspective is this not a crucial or vital profession? Ridiculous people who compile this list!

Ellen van Gijsel

Ellen van Gijsel

at 28 Apr 2020

Yes zat is indeed very strange, but I think that under the group of care workers you are just eligible, right?

Chris van Laar

Chris van Laar

at 19 Apr 2020

Strange that installation companies are not mentioned as a vital profession. I have been working in three hospitals for weeks with colleagues to put emergency facilities into operation in ICU departments and to convert recovery rooms into ICU beds. Outside the facilities in an emergency hospital where beds and a CT SCAN are located (tent) put into operation. This was all done by colleagues.

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