<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=6048136207047&amp;cd[value]=0.01&amp;cd[currency]=USD&amp;noscript=1"> Explanation of Corona Covid-19 laboratory test result.
Explanation results Corona Covid-19 laboratory test for antibodies

Explanation of results of Corona Covid-19 laboratory test for antibodies

Explanation of result SARS-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) Elisa test Blood value test.

Two types of antibodies can be tested for this test. The IgA antibodies occur first. The IgG antibodies arise later after the infection (after about 4 weeks).

SARS-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) IgA ELISA

- You are not infected with the coronavirus or you have not (yet) produced antibodies if the ratio is lower than0.8.

- If your result is between 0.8 and 1.1 the result is borderline worthy

- With a measured value higher or equal to 1.1 the contamination is positive.

SARS-Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) IgG ELISA

- If the result of the IgG antibodies is below 0.8, no antibodies against COVID-19 are formed (yet).

- If the ratio is between 0.8 and 1.1. the result is borderline worthy

- If the measured value is equal to or above 1.1, the result is positive. You have formed antibodies against corona.

Since antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 are detectable at the earliest 10-21 days after the onset of symptoms, genomic detection (PCR from throat swab) is recommended for early diagnosis. PCR stands for Polymerase Chain Reaction, this test looks directly for the presence of genetic material of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. This test is not provided by Bloodtesting.nl Test. For this test you have to go to your doctor or GGD. See also the blog: How can you test for coronavirus?

Example result no antibodies IgA and IgG:

Sample result but IgG antibodies:

example results: IgA and IgG antibodies positive:

What is known so far about immunity to the new coronavirus:

In general, people are not protected for life with lung viruses, but only for a few years.

Gaining immunity is not just about antibodies. The immune system is also about teaching cells to ward off the virus. Much research is still being done into this cellular defence against the coronavirus. From September 2021, a test will be available that can visualise this memory cell defence: https://www.bloodtesting.nl/covid-19-t-cellen-geheugencellen.html.

It seems that the mild variant of the coronavirus also makes fewer antibodies. This may be because the body itself is more resistant to viruses and it does not need so many antibodies. It may also be that the mild variant was not serious enough to produce antibodies.

Mice and monkeys do not appear to be able to be infected a second time by SARS-CoV-2 and therefore cannot re-infect COVID-19. There is still no evidence of reinfection after the demonstration of antibodies


At the moment, there is still a lot of uncertainty about the new corona virus. Having antibodies does not mean that you cannot transmit the virus. You should therefore follow the guidelines of the RIVM. If you have enough antibodies it seems that you cannot get sick again, or much less. However, it is not yet clear how long the antibodies remain in the blood with this new virus.

As soon as more information and scientific studies are available, you will read about it here.

Findings from practice to date;

1. If the IgA is increased but there is no increase in IgG, this usually indicates a cross-reaction to another (corona) virus. However, there are also people who have an increased IgA. And then get sick 3 days later. Having antibodies says nothing about being contagious, for this a PCR test has to be done.

2. People who do have IgA antibodies, but have not yet developed an IgG antibody are advised to do a check-up in 1-2 weeks to see whether there has been any seroconversion. The IgG antibodies are then usually still converted from negative to positive.

3. IgA antibodies can be formed 2-4 weeks after the first symptoms of illness.

More information on tests or post tests that can be done within 5 days after receiving the blood at the lab can be found here

Here you see that first the IgM antibodies, then the IgA and only then the IgG antibodies appear, but also stay on the longest.

The graphs show the average height after the first day of symptoms:

Do you have antibodies against corona? Then through plasma donation, medication against covid-19 can be made.

For your general practitioner: Dutch Journal of Medicine Clinical significance of laboratory tests SARS-CoV-2, read here this article from 05-06-2020

Press release dated May 5, 2020: The EUROIMMUN Anti-SARS-CoV-2ELISA (IgG) has a specificity of 99% and a sensitivity of 100% after 21 days from the onset of symptoms:





at 21 Oct 2021

I had my antibodies for COVID determined in a blood test and the result is 987[a]. What can I conclude from this?



Retrieved from 04 Dec 2021

Hi Anne, Do you know by now what it means? I had 847 but no one can tell me what it means. Greetings, Monique



Retrieved from 15 Dec 2021

I 828 anyone idea if this is high or low?



Retrieved from Dec 29, 2021

My niece in Germany was just under 1000 and 1000 was the threshold according to her doctor. for having/not having enough antibodies

Frank Alsemgeest

Frank Alsemgeest

Retrieved from 13 Jul 2021

I have symptoms that could indicate lung covid, but also got my first vaccination 4 weeks ago. To find out if I have indeed had COVID, I would like to consider a test. Given the vaccination, does that make any sense?



Retrieved from 19 Jul 2021

Dear Frans, in principle antibodies are measured in a test and we don't know what caused the antibodies. It is true that the Roche antibody test does not measure the spike proteins, like the Abbott and the Euroimmun, so you could split up how high the antibodies are due to disease and due to vaccination.

Frits de Vries

Frits de Vries

at 11 Jul 2021

In other lab it was determined that IgG was positive ( 3,5 weeks after 2nd Pfizer vaccination). Unfortunately there was no value determined. I would like to know if the amount of IgG is insufficient, sufficient, normal or more than sufficient in this situation, as well as the limits and target number to be able to resist e.g. the English and the Delta variant. Can you send me an example of such an explanation (more extensive than on your site), so that I can see if it is useful to have a 2nd test done by you ? Thanks and best regards, Frits



Retrieved from 01 Jun 2021

My lab test igg serology shows 25.4. This was done by the hospital. Seems low to me or am I wrong. Do I get a passport with this?

Ellen from Bloodworth's

Ellen from Bloodworth's

Retrieved from 02 Jun 2021

If you have taken the test with us, you will receive an explanatory letter. You can always call or email us with questions, mentioning your order number. Unfortunately we cannot make any statements about tests done elsewhere because every method has different reference values.



Retrieved from 01 Jun 2021

Which means a value (result) of >20.00 IG Total with a limit value of 0,8-1,1? Can anyone tell me?

Ellen from Bloodworth's

Ellen from Bloodworth's

Retrieved from 02 Jun 2021

If you have taken the test with us you will receive an explanatory letter. You can always call or email us with questions, mentioning your order number. Unfortunately we cannot make any statements about tests done elsewhere because every method has different reference values.

Ellen from Bloodworth's


at 30 May 2021

My question is similar to Bart's (20-04-2021).At the end of March firmly went through COVID. GP indicated that immunity after going through the virus naturally cannot yet be seen as 'different' from vaccination immunity. This scientific info is simply not there yet. In short: protection after a course of COVID can be as good as after vaccination. The same applies to the duration of immunity. So I find it more than relevant to investigate what my titer is. The government states that a recovery document would be valid for about 6 months after infection. I find it remarkable and special that there is a lot of testing but no testing for titer. As in: at the GGD. After all, immunity is immunity. If we assume that infected people would retain their immunity longer than vaccinated people, for example, then this seems like pretty relevant information. And then repeat it in 6 months. Is the titer low? Then I will have it vaccinated. Is the titer high? How long will it take before I get the results? And is the result official enough that it will count as an official recovery document?

Bernadette van der Goes

Bernadette van der Goes

at 02 Sep 2021

That's right, we're in the same boat. A lot of antibodies, the 6 months have passed. But still plenty of antibodies so why do we need to vaccinate. I am also willing to check for antibodies regularly. Now we fall out of everything and that with natural antibodies.



Retrieved from 12 Jul 2021

I feel the same way.



at 19 Jan 2022

Dear Guusje, in Belgium you also only get a Covidsafe ticket up to 6 months after the infection. I had Covid 19 in May and also tested positive. After one month I had my blood tested for antibodies and they turned out to be very good. Since my CST was only valid until eid October, I did NOT get vaccinated but had another blood test for my antibodies at the end of December. Through Sciensano (Belgium) I received a certificate that I still had antibodies. The lab also sent me that in had gone through a Covid conversion. So I am still protected against Covid 19 but get NO CST from the government ! I find this purely discriminatory because natural immunity seems much better to me than an artificial vaccine that has not been tested long enough....

Ronny Van den Broeck

Ronny Van den Broeck

at 23 Apr 2021

Like to know the difference between indication measuring protein N and S ( meaning ? )



at 20 Apr 2021

I went through corona mild 5 weeks ago and would prefer not to get a vaccination. Can this antibody test help me understand if I have made enough immunity?



Retrieved from 21 Mar 2021

Hi, what exactly does borderline worthy mean? That it is unknown, haven't had it, or have had it but no antibodies? Not entirely clear to me. My result was 1.

Stef Goeleven

Stef Goeleven

at 14 Jan 2021

I have to have a colonoscopy within 2 weeks and a covid test the day before, Am a nurse myself and in the running to get vaccinated soon. Suppose , I get vaccinated with an initial syringe (Pfizer or Moderna) a few days before the scheduled covid test, will that affect the covid test a few days later?

Hamid from Blood Values Test

Hamid from Blood Values Test

at 15 Jan 2021

Dear Stef, No, vaccination has no effect on the tests used by GGD to detect infection, such as the PCR test and the rapid antigen tests.



at 09 Dec 2020

What is the minimum level of antibody titer you need to be safe from re-infection?



Retrieved from 28 Dec 2020

It is never a guarantee to be safe, but if seroconversion of the IgM to IgG antibodies has taken place and the IgG antibodies are above the value belonging to the test (is different for each kind of test/brand/machine)



at 09 Dec 2020

Last week I had a blood test for antibodies, it turns out I have a antibody titer of 114, which is quite a lot. Can you say: the more virus (according to my GP a lot), the more antibodies?



at 27 Jan 2022

I have a rash of 250 but according to the assistant that is not high, don't get it and you can't find anywhere how much it should be for a protection

blood test

blood test

at 26 Oct 2020

Hi Sophia, if you have us do the test and you are positive, you will always be called before the result is sent for a personal explanation. If you have any questions you can always call or email us with your order number.

sophia knol

sophia knol

at 26 Oct 2020

Good afternoon I was suspected to have contracted corona with admittedly mild symptoms in mid March. My husband was sicker two weeks but still doing well. Out of interest 24 Aug had antibody test done. Both IgG positive. i repeated 2 Oct and again IgG positive. No idea of the value. Can I conclude that there is a certain degree of protection? Thank you in advance

Lia Hubner

Lia Hubner

at 17 Oct 2020

My test was inconclusive. What does that mean?

blood test

blood test

at 19 Oct 2020

Have you done the test happy Blood Values test Lia? If so, you can always call for consultation and explanation. There is always a clear explanation and postive results are called in advance anyway. If you have done the test somewhere else, then you should ask for an explanation.

Jasper de Vries

Jasper de Vries

at 31 Aug 2020

if your ratio of antibodies is just below (say 0.7). So do you have any antibodies? Naturally present?

apk doctor

apk doctor

at 01 Sep 2020

There is a range reported for "result doubtful" where this is not clear and a number above which it must be to have clear antibodies. It could also be that you have formed memory cells in the meantime and still get something out of it.

apk doctor

apk doctor

at 28 Aug 2020

Per lab, per brand of test and reagents used, the reference value is determined, so you cannot compare coronate tests among themselves.



at 28 Aug 2020

Is it true that you guys use a different ratio for igg than pro health? Below that they don't have Corona and above that they do. My result is 1.23

blood test


at 05 Aug 2020

The IGG elisa test has just been taken and I got back a value of 1. According to the text above this is the threshold value. Scientifically this is a "negative" result but can this also mean that my antibodies are on the decline? The test was taken 95 days after the first symptoms. I don't know what to do with this result.



at 30 Jul 2020

My coronatest, which was done with a rod in my nose and throat, so no blood test, showed a value of 20.14. How should I interpret this value? How should I interpret this value?

Ellen van Gijsel

Ellen van Gijsel

at 31 Jul 2020

That concerns a test that measures how much virus you have at that moment, not if you have made antibodies, you can ask the person who performed the test what it means.



at 20 Jul 2020

Due to my Multiple Myeloma (Kahler) I noticed in my blood results that from Feb 17 my IgG increased from 18 to 41 and my IgM decreased from 1.4 to 0.6 and my IgA from 0.9 to 0.4. What does this mean with regard to Covid-19?



at 02 May 2020

Short question, I recently did a test which showed an IgA of 30 and an IgG of 17. Above 1.1 the test is positive, but does a value of 17 say more? Is that a lot or not necessarily a lot? And are there any suspicions about immunity with these values?

Jennet Zandbergen

Jennet Zandbergen

at 19 Apr 2021

I'm very curious about this too. I'm in the same boat.

blood test

blood test

at 04 May 2020

We cannot give interpretations on research that has not been done by us, every laboratory and test method has its own explanation and reference values. If you have ordered the test from Bloodtesting.nl you can always call or email us, stating your order number. People with positive results are always called in advance for a personal explanation.

Dragomir Maria Alina

Dragomir Maria Alina

at 25 Nov 2021

Dear, I have done my COVID IgG S Ab and the result is <0.5 . What does that mean please?



Retrieved from Dec 30, 2021

If you have done a test at Blood Values Test, this is well explained in the explanatory letter. The reference values vary per test brand (Abbott, Roche, Euroimmun), so you have to interpret the result with the corresponding reference values. If you have any questions, you can always call or email for consultation, stating your order number at Blood value test.

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