<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=6048136207047&amp;cd[value]=0.01&amp;cd[currency]=USD&amp;noscript=1"> Therapists laboratory research
Team photo taken at C'park Bata in Best

Become a partner of Bloodtesting

Optimise your treatment programme

:measuring = knowing

These 2 options are possible:

Getting the customer to order through your affiliate link.

Thus, you will automatically receive commission on the ordered tests coming from your page or link.

You keep track of your score via

The dashboard for the affiliate program of Blood Value Test.


Self-ordering for your customers,

In which you take care of the invoicing to your customers yourself.

We provide the collection kit and blood draw for your client.

You only receive the results.

We will place you in the therapist group and when you log in you will receive your discount immediately.


Working with a dashboard for the affiliate program:

Together we make the Netherlands Healthier:

Our mission is "To give people insight into their health so they can improve their vitality".

But of course we cannot do this alone, which is why we welcome you as a partner.

We arrange everything for you and your client, from blood collection to results.

BloodValue Testing only provides the laboratory testing and does not provide any supplements, consultations or treatments itself,

that's why we have you as a partner!

Link of your website to Bloodtesting.nl

And earn automatic commissions on your referrals every month.

Grow your business with the affiliate program!

Bloodtesting.nl has recently launched its affiliate program. You will receive a link from us, which you can place on your website or on your social media. If someone orders through that link, you will receive commission. You can keep track of exactly how many people click on your link, how many people order within 30 days and how much commission you get paid. We help you to set it up. It only takes 5 minutes!

Sign up for the Affiliate program now

Sign up for the program. We will get you started in 5 minutes, at your convenience. After that, everything is automatic and you will receive a commission from the orders placed.
sign up

Ordering for your clients:

How does it work?

Choose the desired investigations

Log in with your name and password to our webshop.

Order your desired tests by putting them in your "shopping cart".

Choose to have your blood taken at the blood collection centre or on location.

For a blood test you can choose to have the blood drawn at the blood collection centre (€19.90). This is the total order cost for shipping, blood collection kit, referral letter and blood collection by authorized employee.

In case you can take care of the blood collection yourself, or in case of a urine or stool test, no collection costs will be charged.

Fill in the address of your client at shipping address

After you have registered and logged in, your details will be filled in automatically for the billing address. The purchase set will be sent to the shipping address.

Fill in the gender and the date of birth of your client

You can fill this in in the remarks field. This information is important to personalize the sample set.

Fill in the e-mail address of your client under "remarks

This is to receive the invitation for the blood test. The result will automatically go to you, if you have registered yourself once.

Pay with iDEAL or one of the other payment options

And everything is set in motion.

Create your account:

Create an account on the Bloodtesting webshop once. Through this account you will always have insight into your invoices and the status of your orders. You can quickly order for your clients without having to re-enter your data every time.
Due to privacy reasons you can not see the results here.
You will receive this by e-mail.

Would you like to receive more information first?

Would you like to make use of one of the options mentioned?

Enter your e-mail address and you will receive all information:

Your information is safe with us

Our services

Blood test

more than 500 different parameters

Urine analysis

urine and saliva tests

Feces examination

various stool tests

Our Team

Ellen van Gijsel Blood Value Test




Relationship manager therapists


relationship manager therapists

Marion klaqntensevice Blood values test


Customer service

Still having doubts?

Then sign up for the partner mailing list and make your selection at a later date:

Your information is safe with us