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Detect health risks

Test packages for everyone who is conscious of his or her health.

Rail health risks on

Test packages for everyone who is conscious of his or her health.

National health check

The National Health Check-up compares your blood with the appropriate references for someone of your gender and age.

Hereby the kidneys, liver, inflammation, risk of heart disease, fat metabolism and diabetes, anemia, thyroid and fluid balance are examined.

Any deficiency of vitamin D3 or B12 will be revealed and your urine tested.

An overview of your health at a glance

With advice to improve your blood values

Medical Check-up

This complete medical check-up compares your blood on 25 points with the applicable references for a healthy person of your gender and age.

The following tests are performed;

- ALT- Liver function

- Albumin? Kidney damage?

- Alkaline Phosphatase - Liver, bone damage, bile ducts,

- ASAT - Liver function

- Calcium - Bone Calcification

- Cholesterol Total - Largest contributor to cardiovascular disease

- CK - Muscle damage

- Creatinine - Renal function

- Total protein - liver, kidneys, intestines

- Erythrocytes (blood count)

- Gamma GT - Liver function

- HbA1c - Diabetes (looks at average blood sugar levels over the past few months instead of a snapshot like glucose)

- HDL - good cholesterol

- Hematocrit, MCH,MCHC, MCV (blood count)

- Haemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of tiredness

- Iron (anemia)

- LDL cholesterol - bad cholesterol - arteriosclerosis?

- Leucocytes - White blood cells - Leucocyte diff

- Sodium - Moisture balance in the body

- Triglycerides - Absorbed fat content - Arteriosclerosis?

- Platelets

- Urea - Kidneys

- Uric acid - joint inflammation (gout), metabolic diseases

ZZP Check-up

The research consists of:

- Medical blood tests

- Urinalysis

- Prostate examination from blood

- Faces colorectal cancer

- Telephone consultation with a doctor.

This complete medical check-up compares your blood on 30 points with the applicable references for a healthy person of your gender and age.

The following tests are performed:

- ALT - Liver function

- Albumin? Kidney damage?

- Alkaline Phosphatase - Liver, bone damage, bile ducts,

- ASAT - Liver function

- Basophilic granulocytes (blood count)

- Calcium - Bone Calcification

- Cholesterol Total - Largest contributor to cardiovascular disease

- Cholesterol /HDLratio

- Cholesterol LDL/HDL risk index

- CK - (creatine kinase) Muscle damage

- Creatinine - Renal function

- Total protein - liver, kidneys, intestines

- Erythrocytes (blood count)

- Eosinophilic granulocytes (bloom)

- Gamma GT - Liver function

- HbA1c - Diabetes (looks at average blood sugar level of the past months instead of a snapshot like glucose)

- HDL - good cholesterol

- Hematocrit (blood count)

- Haemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of tiredness

- Iron (anemia)

- LDL cholesterol - bad cholesterol - Arteriosclerosis?

- Leucocyte differentiation: neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, basophils, rod nuclei

- Leucocytes - White blood cells

- Lymphocytes (blood count)

- Sodium - Moisture balance in the body

- Neutrophil granulocytes (blood count)

- Monocytes (blood count)

- Triglycerides - Absorbed fat content -Aerosclerosis?

- Platelets

- Urea - Kidneys

- Uric acid - joint inflammation (gout), metabolic diseases

- PSA - prostate-

- Ifobt- Colorectal cancer

- Urine screening:

The urine is tested for the presence of cells, bacteria, protein and glucose. and measures the PH value. (acidity)