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August 17, 2018
in Blogs
6 min reading time

The newest discovery: Is your Personal DNA Diet low-carb or low-fat?

With this science-based DNA diet 2.44 times more weight loss is achieved. That is; if with a normal diet you would lose 4 kilos a month, with this diet you would lose almost 10 kilos a month!

Genes are the blueprint of our body, obesity is in your genes. In about 80% of cases, obesity is caused by genetic predisposition. This is because everyone has different genes. Some people gain weight by consuming too much fat, while others can eat twice as much fat without getting fat. Unfair huh?

This also applies to carbohydrates: some people gain weight from carbohydrates, while others do not gain any weight at all from these sugars.

Which sport is best for you to lose weight? That also depends on your genes. Some people lose weight most quickly by exercising, while for others doing exercises has little effect. The influence of calorie intake also depends on your genes. Some people lose weight easily by eating fewer calories, while for others this is very difficult.

All of these individual differences are recorded in your DNA. This explains why some people can make great progress in losing weight through a low-fat diet, while others need to exercise a lot to achieve the same goal.

Which program suits you?

You can find out which program is right for you, thanks to the new possibilities of human genetics. Your genetic profile will show you what foods to avoid and what you can eat. The results will tell you what exercise you need to do and what your calorie intake should be.

This allows you to quickly reach and maintain your desired weight.

How much athletic sport and endurance sport do you need?

Dieting not only reduces fat, but also muscle mass. If you have certain genes this process is only made worse. To counteract this, people should follow different programs for athletic sports and muscle building, depending on their genetic predisposition.

Based on this information, an optimal diet plan can be developed, leading to an average of 2.4 times more weight loss. Everyone is different, so it is important to find out where genetic weaknesses lie and how to use genetic strengths for a healthy, long life.

Eat what you like!

You will receive a list of more than 900 foods based on your DNA test, which will show you what you can eat without any problems and what is better to avoid. So you can eat whatever you want!

Obesity and genetic predisposition

Scientists have discovered that about sixty to eighty percent of obesity is caused by genetic predisposition. It's not just our lifestyle, but it's your genetic predisposition that makes you more likely to be overweight.

DNA Expert Weight and Exercise

Of course, it is not the case that you can just sit on the couch and this test will automatically make you lose weight. But it is possible to lose weight based on your genetic profile.

The DNA Diet ensures that you move more and eat less. Of course these two aspects are always good to lose weight, but through the work of genetics you can use and apply them in a more refined way.


Obesity has two causes,

  1. one is too little exercise, you don't burn enough energy
  2. the other is eating too much, you get too much energy and you don't use it up.

These basic principles no one will deny. However, there are considerable differences between one person and another. In scientific studies it was discovered that if people ate the same, some got fatter than others. And if people exercised the same, some lost more weight than others.

This is due to two types of genes, the PPARP gene and the Fabp2 gene. Scientists have discovered that there are different versions of these genes.

One type of gene ensures that, when a fatty meal is eaten, this fat is stored while someone who has the other gene secretes it.

In these lucky ones, a gene says "sorry, had enough fat, I'm not taking it anymore". The rest then stays in the intestinal tract and is excreted.

Scientific evidence

On which scientific studies is this information based? Studies have compared people who have the genetic variant (genetic polymorphism) with people who do not.

If you want to read more, you can find the studies here if you're interested.source

In this study, it was found that people with the genetic variant have a higher body weight than people without the genetic variant.

This gene, the PPARP gene has been known for centuries in science There have been 7500 different genetic studies done on this gene, not all related to fat sensitivity, but some for example related to diabetes. So science already knows a lot about this gene.

Various studies have shown that some people can continue to eat fat without it being stored in the body and others store fat that is not burned as a reserve.

People who lack the protected DNA variant gain weight. The excess fat that is not used is stored for later and this is how obesity occurs.

Does a low-carb diet work for you?

Storing fat can be a reason for obesity, but it can also be due to carbohydrates (sugars ). Scientists discovered that the ADRB2 gene is responsible for this effect. There is a version that leads to obesity if you eat a lot of carbohydrates and there is a version that does not. If you have this protection, you are less prone to becoming overweight from carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate burners are people with the genes to burn carbohydrates and not store them and therefore not get fat from carbohydrates.

So it could be that you are a carbohydrate burner or a fat burner, that you have both characteristics or neither. Your DNA test will tell you.


And what about proteins? Protein is in fact just as important for the metabolism.

Unfortunately, no genetic variant has yet been found for the protein variant. As far as we know, every body gets the same weight gain from protein. So we keep the amount of protein in the DNA diet the same for all people, because so far we don't know if we should change it, increase it or decrease it.

Sport and exercise

Everyone does the same training program and eventually some people put on a huge amount of weight

lost, so for them the training was very effective and for others it worked less well, or not at all. There is a big difference in how well your body responds to exercise;

You go to the gym with a friend. You both want to lose weight. You do the same exercises every time, you eat the same, and yet he loses three times more weight than you. So unfair, but unfortunately that's how nature works.We found out that there are some genetic variants.

  1. Your body reacts very well to exercise and loses weight quickly through training
  2. You're having a lot of trouble losing weight despite adequate exercise.

Eat less

Some people eat much less and they notice it immediately on their weight Others hardly notice the effect of less calorie intake. Counting calories is a good step in the right direction, make sure you burn more than you take in.

But unfortunately: the same amount of calorie reduction leads to different amounts of weight loss in different people. It's your genes again...=

Some people have positive genes; eating fewer calories is very effective for them. Others have negative genes; eating less has very little effect on body weight. Still others are somewhere in between.

So it's important to know what works best for you, to use your strengths and avoid weaknesses

The question that everyone has when they want to lose weight is answered by this DNA test.

Should I exercise a lot and eat a little less, should I eat a lot less and exercise a little, or something in between?

From genetics we can tell you what is most effective for you. From the research of DNA-Expert Slim and Motion we can calculate with the help of algorithms how many kcal per day you can eat.

For example, 48% of calories for you should come from carbohydrates, 20% from protein and 32% from fat. But it could be that your genes tell you differently. With this programme you will get tailor-made advice.



p.s. We still have room for dietitians, health coaches and personal trainers to start selling and supporting this product. No enrollment fee or investment required, just be willing to become a DNA Expert through our DNA Academy (FREE)

About the Author
Ellen is the founder of Blood Value Testing. She gained her experience with health examinations for companies, schools and government institutions at HumanCapitalCare arbo- en gezondheidsdienst. In 2009 she became director of Diagnostics Netherlands, a collaboration between all major general practitioner laboratories in the Netherlands. At the U- Diagnostics laboratory in Utrecht, she was responsible for blood testing at GPs. Until she founded Blood Values Test for individuals in 2013.
Coeck Inge

Coeck Inge

at May 13, 2019

Interested in the dna diet as a personal coach?

Paola Rays from

Paola Rays from

at Sep 14, 2019

Hello, I am definitely interested in becoming a Dna specialist. i have also already emailed you for a collaboration with blood value testing. Can you tell me more about this.

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