<img height="1" width="1" alt="" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?ev=6048136207047&amp;cd[value]=0.01&amp;cd[currency]=USD&amp;noscript=1"> Become an affiliate of Health Tests
Team photo taken at C'park Bata in Best

Become affiliate partner of Bloodtesting

Help your followers with relevant surveys and earn commissions automatically

Working with a dashboard for the affiliate program:

Link of your website to Bloodtesting.nl

And earn commissions automatically every month with your referrals.

Grow your business with the affiliate program!

Bloodtesting.nl has an advanced affiliate program. You will receive a link from us, which you can place on your website or on your social media. If someone orders through that link, you will receive commission. You can keep track of exactly how many people click on your link, how many people order within 30 days and how much commission you receive. We help you to set it up. It only takes 5 minutes!

You are in good company

Together we make the Netherlands healthier!

This is what the dashboard you get for FREE looks like:

Affilate_dashboard_partners_bloodvalue test
Affilate_Dashboard_BloodValue Test

Sign up for the Affiliate program now

Sign up for the program. We will get you started in 5 minutes, at your convenience. After that, everything is automatic and you will receive a commission from the orders placed.

How does it work?

Choose the desired studies you want to refer to

Refer from your website, newsletter or social media to a test or page you want to highlight. Put your affiliate link, which you will receive from us after creating your dashboard, behind the url of the test you want to refer to.

We provide the blood collection in the vicinity (max 10km) of your client

For a blood test, your client chooses to have the blood taken at the blood collection centre (€19.90). This is the total order cost for shipping, blood collection kit, referral letter and blood collection by authorized employee.

Your client sends the test to our lab

All the material to send the test as medical mail is included. The medical envelope is already prepaid.

Aftercare after the results

Your client will receive the results by mail, if something is wrong we will call first. Your client can always call, app or email us for explanation and aftercare. If you want to receive the results as well, this is only possible if your client asks for it in writing, during the order under comments, or in response to the results by email. This because of the AVG and privacy laws.

Our Team




Relationship Manager

Hamid_blood value test


Medical advisor


Customer service


online marketing expert

Questions about furnishing?

If you have questions about your affiliate actions or links? Then Skip is happy to help you get started.

Still having doubts?

Then sign up for the partner mailing list and make your selection at a later date:

Your information is safe with us