Stiffnograph measures arteriosclerosis

In 2017, Blood Values Test presented the VitaK meter as a first at the National Health Fair. Since then, vitaminK2 vascular meters (APG; acceleration photoplethysmogram meters) have appeared on the market under several names.

The vitamin K2 vascular meter is clamped on the fingertip and analyzes, without taking blood samples, the condition of the blood vessels within two minutes. Too little vitamin K2 causes arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, the risk of heart attack and osteoporosis, but is also associated with Alzheimer's disease and prostate cancer. Vitamin K2 causes fat burning and prevents weight gain after following a diet.

The scientific research behind the Vitamin K2 measurement was developed by Professor Vermeer from the University of Maastricht. The meter measures the blood flow in the small blood vessels. This is used to map the vascular characteristics. Numerous scientific articles have shown that increased vitamin K2 intake can promote public health and contribute to reducing mortality from cardiovascular diseases.

Arteriosclerosis also occurs in healthy people when their vitamin K levels are not optimal. It increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack. A vitamin K deficiency is thought to play a role in 23% of all cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin K2 is also essential for healthy bones.

What is vitamin K?

Vitamin K is more important to our health than we thought. The vitamin not only supports blood clotting, a function of vitamin K that has been known for a long time. Newborns are therefore prescribed vitamin K. This is usually vitamin K1 (phylloquinone). But there are several vitamin K's. Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) is essential for production of a special tissue protein that, by binding calcium, helps keep the artery wall, joint cartilage and other soft tissues in the body supple and clean. In addition, vitamin K2 is essential for bone protein that plays an important role in the formation and maintenance of healthy, good bone tissue.

Vitamin K2 is mainly found in fermented Japanese foods such as Natto. With us, you'll find it in cheese and cottage cheese.

 Genoeg vitamine K2 zorgt er voor dat calcium uit je voeding gebruikt wordt voor het versterken van de botten in plaats van het verkalken van aders. Ook helpt vitamine K2 bij afvallen, het voorkomt dat je gewicht toeneemt na je dieet, vitamine K2 zorgt voor de vetverbranding.

Dutch scientific study becomes world news

Research at Maastricht University shows that vitamin K2 not only prevents arteriosclerosis, but also makes stiffened blood vessels elastic again. This study confirms for the first time the link between vitamin K2 and cardiovascular disease.

Hundreds of participants in the study were given a vitamin K2 supplement or a placebo for three years. The most remarkable result of the study was that arteriosclerosis was not only stopped, but that the already stiffened blood vessels became more elastic again. So there was a clear improvement. Low vitamin K2 levels in the walls of blood vessels are a serious risk factor for mortality from cardiovascular disease. The risk is just as great as the risk of cardiovascular disease caused by smoking. To reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, it may be useful to start taking vitamin K2 if there is a shortage. It was also found that people who use a vitamin K2-rich diet have up to 50% less risk of death from cardiovascular disease.

In the same study, positive results emerged before. For example, in 2013 it was shown that vitamin K2 also has a beneficial effect on bone strength. Bone calcification is inhibited in postmenopausal women by additional administration of vitamin K2.

In conditions, where the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins in the gut is disturbed, such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease (gluten allergy), an insufficient vitamin K2 level may occur. In this case, measurement of vitamin K status may be of additional importance. This also applies to groups at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

Why not measure it in blood?

Measuring vitamin K in the blood only tells you if you have eaten enough vitamin K in the last few weeks. Whether you have absorbed enough vitamin K in recent years can be seen by measuring your vascular walls with the VitaK meter.

For a shortage of other vitamins, do the Vitamins and Minerals Gold test or the National Health Check.

Free trial at Blood Values Test

Visit at the National Health Fair for a free Vitamin K measurement

The National Health Fair will take place from 7 to 10 February 2019 in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht.

How do I interpret the results of my test at the National Health Fair?

Stiffening and calcification of the blood vessels are strong risk factors for high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and cardiovascular disease. By using the VitaK-Meter this process can be detected at an early stage and then be slowed down by adjusting the diet and by taking extra Vitamin K2 (menaquinones). Depending on age and vascular stiffness an index is given. At 1 the vessels are supple, at 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 there is an increasing stiffness and calcification of the blood vessels.

  • Low vitamin K2 status is, next to smoking, the main reason for vascular stiffening.
  • From the index value and age, the probability of vitamin K2 requirement can be calculated.

After 1 to 2 minutes you will see 3 numbers

  • Oxygen saturation of your blood (normally between 95% and 99%)
  • Heart rate (normal 60 - 80 beats per minute)
  • Vitamin K2 index, number in circle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
IndexAge 21-40Age 41-60Age > 60 years

  • Score A: No dietary adjustments required
  • Score B: Recommended use: at least 75 µg vitamin K1 and 45 µg K2 per day.
  • Score C: Recommended use: at least 90 µg vitamin K1 and 45 µg K2 per day.
  • Score D: Check lifestyle for physical activity, diet and body weight. Also, an intake of 90 µg vitamin K1 and 90 µg vitamin K2 per day is recommended.
  • Score E: Monitor lifestyle for physical activity, blood pressure, serum cholesterol and lipid profile, dietary fat and body weight. Also, an intake of 90 µg vitamin K1 and 90 µg vitamin K2 per day is recommended.
  • Score F: Increase physical activity, reduce cholesterol and fat intake, and try to lose weight if BMI is greater than 25 kg/m2 . Have blood pressure checked. Intake of 90 µg vitamin K1 and at least 90 µg vitamin K2 daily is strongly recommended.
  • Score G: A medical check-up by your GP is strongly recommended. Lifestyle improvements are probably needed, also taking 180 µg of vitamin K2 (possibly as a supplement, discuss this with your GP) daily is recommended.
  • Score H: A medical checkup and lifestyle improvements are strongly recommended, including supplementation of 180 µg vitamin K2 per day. If the blood vessels are significantly calcified, consider an initial dose of 360 µg vitamin K2 per day for at least one year, followed by a 180 µg vitamin K2 per day for the years that follow, all as directed by your doctor.

Vitamin K2 is available from the better vitamin supplier under the name NutriMK7 or MenaQ7.

For more information on how to supplement your Vitamin K2 see these videos:

Blood Values Test does not provide supplements, as we are independent in our measurements

You can order the vitamin K2 vascular meter here: