6 reasons why healthy people also get their blood checked

  1. Don't wait for the symptoms to show up to find out you have a disease

What would you rather do: Stop a chronic disease before it starts or fight pain and discomfort? By having your blood tested regularly you will gain insight into the effects of your diet, exercise, supplements and lifestyle on your health. With this insight you can take the necessary steps to improve your health.

  1. Get a clear insight into your health

You can't judge your health just by how you feel or look.

People are eating more and more processed foods and the obesity epidemic is spreading. But weight does not say everything. We all know the quote TOFI ''thin outside, fat inside'', This means that not all internal damage is also visible on the outside.

Half of the Dutch population is overweight.

Overgewicht komt bij volwassen mannen en vrouwen steeds vaker voor naarmate zij ouder worden. Bij mannen neemt het overgewicht vanaf 75 jaar weer af.

These problems can be found in parameters like triglycerides, HDL and LDL cholesterol, glucose, Hba1c, etc.

  1. Completeness is the key, look for the causes

If you can't sleep, due to noise in your home, you're probably trying to figure out the source of the noise, by looking in the most logical places, and then dimming the sound.

If you keep gaining weight, you should consider finding out the most common causes in the same way. A common response to weight gain is ''eat less, exercise more.'' But in you can't say for sure what is causing you to gain weight without actually investigating it. High cortisol levels can also be a cause of obesity. High cortisol, in turn, is caused by chronic stress. A certain amount of cortisol is good for you, but when your body produces it too much and too often, it can lead to a serious problem; resulting in obesity. With this knowledge, you can consider learning to better manage your stress by taking the time to meditate to improve your weight and health.

With a complete picture of your health, you can skip the search and hit the nail on the head right away.

  1. Maintain the necessary balance

Regular blood tests give you the opportunity to optimize your vitamin and mineral levels. These nutrients play an important role in a healthy, well-functioning body. After all, it's not just about the scale and your dress size. Deficiencies of important minerals such as magnesium can lead to body odour, constipation, muscle cramps, insomnia, headaches and fatigue.

  1. Because you're not the average Dutchman

Everyone's biochemistry is different - there is no one specific nutritional guideline that works for every person.

There are many factors that go into determining a personalized diet and lifestyle-from insulin sensitivity to thyroid function to metabolism, everyone needs individual guidance for improving and optimizing their health. Health management is not: ''one size fits all''.

  1. Understanding your health over time

Even with a healthy lifestyle, your body changes over time. Monitoring progress helps you stay on top of risk factors with serious consequences, such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes or even cancer. There are certain parameters, such as triglycerides and testosterone in men over 40, that should simply be tested every year, but don't try to diagnose yourself. Always try to talk through your results with a medical professional to understand all the data.

Choose the Medical Check-Up that suits you: visit our web shop for more information