What is Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)?

From the age of about 25, testosterone levels in men begin to slowly decline. From age 35- 40, the decline can be such that it adversely affects your quality of life. Your symptoms may include:

  1. Less drive and energy
  2. Depression
  3. Reduction of muscle mass and strength
  4. Specifically more belly fat
  5. Decreased libido and less hard erections

The most important thing for optimal testosterone production is lifestyle:

  • quality sleep,
  • (strength) training,
  • a healthy diet and
  • Normal body weight (with a normal/low fat percentage).

Some nutrients can be supplemented, such as

Deficiencies of these have been linked to lower testosterone levels.

When a blood test shows that the total testosterone level as well as the free testosterone level are too low - depending on your age - it is important to follow the lifestyle tips above for a longer period of time. When several blood tests show that this has not brought sufficient results and there is a reduction in quality of life, you can switch to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT).

In TRT, the amount of testosterone that a man normally makes himself is administered externally through an injection.

This is done intramuscularly or subcutaneously with an insulin needle. For stable blood values, twice a week is recommended, although more frequent is also possible.

A common dose is 100-150 mg testosterone per week. It is important to monitor the values of total and free testosterone in a blood test. This is necessary because everyone is different: one person will have optimal blood values at 100 mg/week, while for another this dose is too low.

Side effects can occur if the dose is too high and if it is not sufficiently spaced out. This can also result in too high an estrogen level, as testosterone can be converted into this. Therefore it is important to read up on TRT and to have regular blood tests to monitor the values.

Never just get started yourself but let a professional guide you.

This guest blog is made possible by Wouter de Jong

Wouter de Jong is a talented and passionate speaker. Having studied Nutrition and Dietetics and numerous other courses, his expertise lies in the field of health in the broadest sense of the word. As an Orthomolecular therapist and (top) sports consultant, he has years of experience guiding people in his practice for Naturopathic Medicine.

e, “Pro Active Medicine”.
Daarbij studeerde hij tevens klinische Psycho-Neuro-Immunologie (kPNI) voor beter inzicht in de mens als geheel.

Nowadays, he is full-time engaged in transferring his inexhaustible and diverse knowledge. He does this by teaching at various renowned training institutes. He also gives lectures, workshops and presentations for companies and clients.

What is the right food for developing a strong health? What foods give you more energy and what gives you more concentration? What for a better skin and a better figure? Can your hormones be influenced by nutrition alone? What about in (top)sport? He will give you the right answer to all these and other questions.

Wouter de Jong is also the author of the book "Cacao, superfood for ultimate health" and co-owner of SuperfoodMe, a webshop with high quality organic superfoods.

What can Blood Values Test do for you?

While there can certainly be some potential benefits, therapy with testosterone carries certain risks. It is known that treatment can cause bothersome, unwanted side effects such as breast enlargement (gynecomastia), acne and worsening of existing sleep apnea. It is claimed that testosterone treatments may increase the risk of health problems such as; strokes, heart attacks, blood clots and prostate cancer. Those who suffer from these conditions or are at higher risk of contracting them should exercise extreme caution and discuss such issues carefully with their physician. Administering testosterone also often stops your own production. The body discovers that there is enough testosterone and no longer finds it necessary to send a signal (LH/FSH) to make additional testosterone itself. Therefore, it is possible that your LH/FSH may be lowered. LH gives the signal for testosterone production, FSH gives the signal for sperm production. The testicles may also shrink and the sperm count may decrease. In bodybuilders, hCG is then often added to keep the testicles healthy. This is because the testicles do more than just make testosterone. Pregnenolone and DHEA are also produced here in small amounts.

Adding testosterone can also cause Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) to increase, which can cause symptoms such as hair loss and prostate problems. It is therefore possible to monitor your PSA value.
Lack of libido and energy can be due to high or low estradiol values. Increased prolactin levels can also be a cause of low libido and low energy.

For general check-up during or after TRT, it is best to order this test (with or without estradiol):

Sleep Apnea Study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6305865/

The results must be interpreted per person, one person has higher and the other lower values needed to function properly.

If you also want to check your blood values: put these tests in your shopping cart:

vitamin checks:




For the general check-up after TRT it is best to order this test (with or without oestradio)l:

And supplement these as desired with PSA, Prolactin, DHT, and/or DHEA-S

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