How to prevent overtraining.

In the past, the advice for dealing with OTS was; "take it easy" or "stop whining.
However, research has shown that your Blood Values may be the cause of OTS.
And that you can address the symptoms by improving your blood values.

No muscle growth? Check your testosterone
Because testosterone is important for growth and recovery, low levels of testosterone can cause a lack of muscle growth. If your blood analysis indicates a testosterone deficiency, it is very important to take enough rest for your recovery.

Tired? Check your cortisol
Cortisol, also known as the "stress hormone," has a number of important functions. It breaks down tissue to give you energy for the big race, athletic sport or everyday activities. It also counteracts an overactive immune system.
But unhealthy levels of cortisol can be signs of overtraining, which can lead to constant fatigue, a weak immune system and chronic stress.