Guide for Therapists on STD Diagnostics

Dear therapists,

In your practice, where the focus is often on promoting health through nutrition and nutritional supplements, you undoubtedly encounter a wide range of complaints. Orthomolecular therapy plays a crucial role in improving the well-being of many clients. However, it is important to be aware that some of the complaints that occur in your practice may overlap with symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs).

Symptoms Overlapping with STDs

  1. Fatigue and General Malaise: These general symptoms can sometimes be related to STDs such as HIV. It is important to consider that persistent fatigue with no apparent cause requires further investigation.
  2. Digestive problems: Complaints related to the digestive system can sometimes have an unexpected link to STDs. Syphilis, for example, can cause gastrointestinal symptoms.
  3. Skin problems: Skin conditions such as sores or rashes can in some cases be caused by STDs such as syphilis or herpes.
  4. Joint or Muscle Pain: Arthritis caused by infections, including those related to STDs, can lead to joint or muscle pain.
  5. Vaginal or Urethral Complaints: Complaints such as pain when urinating or unusual discharge can be indications of STDs such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.

The Importance of STD Screening

When clients present with such symptoms, it is important to consider the possibility of an STD. Although orthomolecular therapists are not medical professionals who diagnose or treat STDs, it is important to advise clients of the importance of STD screening.

How Blood Values Test Can Help

At Blood Value Testing, we offer a range of tests that can help rule out or confirm STDs. We offer specific tests for the symptoms listed above:

  1. HIV test: For ruling out HIV infection in persistent fatigue.
  2. Syphilis test: May be relevant in unexplained digestive problems or skin complaints.
  3. Herpes test: For diagnosing herpes-related skin problems.
  4. Tests for chlamydia and gonorrhea: Especially relevant in vaginal or urethral complaints.

Communication and Referral

It is important to maintain an open dialogue with clients about their sexual health, especially if their symptoms may indicate an STD. We recommend referring clients in such cases to a physician or specialized sexual health clinic for appropriate testing and treatment. You can also refer them to the doctor at Blood Value Testing, He will advise what test is needed and can also prescribe medication if necessary, should one not want to go to their own GP for this.


As therapists, you are uniquely positioned to support the health and well-being of your clients. By being aware of the possible overlap between general symptoms and STD symptoms, you can play a crucial role in the early detection and treatment of STDs. Blood Value Testing is ready to support you and your clients with the necessary diagnostic tests.


The Blood Value Testing Team