The hidden struggle: Why losing weight is sometimes more than willpower alone

Have you ever worked hard to lose weight, but seemed to make no progress no matter how hard you tried? You're not alone. For many people, losing weight proves to be a challenging and frustrating journey, often encountering inexplicable obstacles. But what if I told you that sometimes there can be more to it than just willpower? Sometimes an underlying medical cause can be the reason why the pounds are not coming off, despite all your efforts.

Here are some stories of people who were in the same situation and how they finally discovered that a medical condition was holding back their weight loss.

Lisa's struggle with hypothyroidism

Lisa had always struggled to lose weight, no matter how strictly she followed her diet or how often she exercised. It seemed like her body was working against her. After months of frustration, she decided to have a blood test done at Blood Value Testing. To her surprise, she discovered she suffered from hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. This explained her slow metabolism and her inability to lose weight. With proper medication and a modified diet, Lisa finally began to lose weight and felt more energetic than ever before.

Mark's fight against insulin resistance

Mark was always an active person, but no matter how much he exercised, his belly fat just didn't seem to disappear. He became frustrated and discouraged, until he decided to have a comprehensive blood test done at Blood Values Testing. There he discovered he was suffering from insulin resistance, a condition in which his body did not respond properly to insulin, keeping his blood sugar high and causing his body to retain fat. With the help of a nutritionist and lifestyle changes to control his blood sugar, Mark finally began to make progress and saw his belly fat slowly but steadily decrease in cooperation with his healthcare professional.

This was his plan of action:

  1. Dietary modifications:
    • Reduce consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugars, such as white bread, white rice, soft drinks and sugary snacks. These foods can quickly raise blood sugar levels, which exacerbates insulin resistance.
    • Focus on eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and healthy fats. These foods have a lower glycemic index and help keep blood sugar levels stable.
    • Eat small meals regularly throughout the day to avoid spikes and drops in blood sugar.
  1. Weight loss:
    • While it is important not to focus solely on weight loss, reducing excess body fat can help improve insulin resistance. By exercising regularly and following a healthy diet, Mark can gradually lose fat.
  1. Regular exercise:
    • Regular exercise, such as aerobic exercise (walking, jogging, swimming) and strength training, can help improve insulin sensitivity. The goal is to do at least 150 minutes per week of moderate aerobic activity combined with strength training on two or more days per week.
    • Interval training can also be effective in lowering blood sugar and improving insulin resistance. This includes short periods of intense activity interspersed with quieter periods.
  1. Stress management:
    • Stress can raise blood sugar levels and worsen insulin resistance. Mark can incorporate stress management techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga or progressive muscle relaxation into his daily routine to reduce stress.
  1. Adequate sleep:
    • Insufficient sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate appetite, such as leptin and ghrelin, and exacerbate insulin resistance. Mark should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night to support his metabolism and hormone balance.
  1. Monitoring and follow-up:
    • It is important for Mark to regularly monitor his blood sugar levels and track his progress. This can help determine what lifestyle changes are most effective and whether further interventions are needed.

Sarah's battle with nutrient deficiencies

Sarah had always been conscious of her diet and had tried numerous diets, yet she seemed unable to achieve lasting weight loss. She felt constantly tired and lethargic, despite her healthy lifestyle. After a comprehensive blood test at Blood Value Testing, she discovered she was suffering from several nutrient deficiencies, including vitamin D and iron. By adjusting her diet and taking nutritional supplements to supplement her deficiencies, Sarah soon began to feel more energetic and finally saw the results she had worked so hard for.

Emily's exploration of well-being

Emily always had a passion for healthy living. She spent a lot of time preparing healthy meals and exercised regularly at the gym. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't understand why she kept struggling to control her weight and often suffered from digestive problems.

After years of struggling, Emily decided to step back and look for possible causes of her health problems. She decided to have a comprehensive food intolerance test done at Blood Value Testing, hoping to find some answers.

To her surprise, the test revealed several foods to which she was intolerant, including dairy products, wheat and eggs. These foods, which she had always considered healthy, were found to disrupt her digestion and cause inflammation in her body.

With the help of a nutritionist, Emily adjusted her diet to avoid the triggering foods. She replaced dairy products with plant-based alternatives, switched to gluten-free grains and replaced eggs with other protein sources.

After just a few weeks, Emily noticed a remarkable difference. Her digestive problems gradually disappeared, her bloating diminished and she felt more energetic than ever before. Moreover, she slowly but surely began to lose weight, something she had tried for years but never really achieved.

Now, with a better understanding of her body and nutritional needs, Emily feels stronger and healthier than ever before. Thanks to the food intolerance test, she was finally able to overcome the obstacles that had kept her from achieving her optimal health.

A food intolerance test can help identify foods that may be causing problems in your digestive system or contributing to inflammation in your body. By identifying food intolerances and avoiding these foods, several positive effects on your weight and overall health can be achieved:

  1. Weight loss: Food intolerances can lead to inflammation in the body, which in turn can contribute to weight gain or difficulty losing weight. Avoiding the foods you are intolerant to can reduce inflammation and make weight loss easier.
  2. Reduction of bloating and water retention: Food intolerances can cause symptoms such as bloating, gas and water retention. Avoiding foods that cause these reactions can reduce these symptoms, which can result in a slimmer appearance and feeling better.
  3. Improved digestion and energy levels: Food intolerances can cause digestive problems such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation and fatigue. Eliminating triggering foods can improve digestion and increase energy levels, which can contribute to a more active lifestyle and possible weight loss.
  4. Better food choices: When you know which foods cause your intolerances, you are more inclined to choose healthier alternatives. This can result in a more balanced diet with more nutritious foods, which can be beneficial for weight management and overall health.
  5. Reduced food cravings: Food intolerances can sometimes lead to cravings for specific foods, especially if your body reacts negatively to these foods. Avoiding these triggering foods can reduce food cravings, making it easier to maintain healthy eating habits.

When weight loss fails, various lab tests and medical exams can help identify possible causes. Here are some of the lab tests commonly performed:

  1. Blood tests: Blood tests can measure various parameters, including glucose (blood sugar), lipid profile (cholesterol and triglycerides), thyroid hormone levels(TSH, FT3, FT4), insulin levels, and other markers such as inflammation indicators (such as CRP) and liver function tests.
  2. Thyroid function tests: Abnormalities in thyroid function can be one reason why weight loss is difficult. Tests usually include TSH, free T3 and free T4.
  3. Insulin resistance: Insulin resistance can promote weight gain and make weight loss difficult. Tests such as fasting insulin and glucose tolerance tests can assess this.
  4. Hormone panels: Hormonal imbalance, such as excess cortisol (stress hormone) or deficiency of sex hormones (such as testosterone in men or estrogen in women), can affect the ability to lose weight.
  5. Nutrient deficiencies: A deficiency of certain nutrients can slow metabolism and make weight loss difficult. Tests can be performed to check levels of vitamins (such as vitamin D, B12) and minerals (such as iron).
  6. Hormonal markers: In addition to sex hormones, other hormones such as leptin (which regulates hunger and satiety) and ghrelin (which stimulates appetite) can be tested.
  7. Inflammatory markers: Inflammation in the body may play a role in weight loss. Tests such as CRP (C-reactive protein) can measure inflammation levels.
  8. Genetic testing: In some cases, genetic factors may play a role in weight loss. Although not routinely performed, genetic screening may be considered in specific cases.

See all tests to identify possible causes here.