Anti-aging for men, what blood values?

Anti-aging is a popular search term on Google. More and more people are concerned with their health and are searching online for factors to slow down the aging process. They eat healthy, exercise regularly and are consciously concerned with environmental factors that inhibit aging.

But how do you measure how old you are? Which blood values can give a good indication of where there is still something to be gained?

Blood values that are important for anti-aging in men

Of course, there are numerous blood values that are important in demonstrating good health. The most important values that give a good indication of a man's health are:


Testosterone is the number one male hormone. Although women also make testosterone, it is only a fraction (about 10%) of the amount that men make. This sex hormone is responsible for countless bodily functions and it stimulates the metabolism, keeps the skeletal muscles strong, keeps the skin firm etc.

The counterpart of testosterone is the female sex hormone estrogen. With estrogen dominance there is a hormonal imbalance and this is often an indication of an unhealthy lifestyle and therefore a strong aging factor. A good reason therefore to measure your testosterone!


Cortisol is the stress hormone and is produced in the adrenal glands. Although cortisol naturally has an anti-inflammatory effect, larger amounts and prolonged periods of stress are actually pro-inflammatory and thus constitute a strong aging effect.

Thyroid(TSH, T4)

Healthy thyroid function is a very important indicator in anti-aging research. In people with a slow thyroid gland, the blood flow to the epidermis can be as much as 70% less, which explains the dry, dull skin that many people suffer from. In addition, poor thyroid function makes it difficult for people to burn fat and so they often remain chubby, despite frantic efforts to lose weight.


DHEA-S is a prohormone, or a substance that is converted into a hormone in the body. A low DHEA-S value is often an indication of aging. Naturally, older men make less and less of this anti-aging prohormone, but if this already happens at a younger age, it is a sign that one should live a healthier life.

Growth hormone HGH

Growth hormone is a hormone produced in the pituitary forelimb. Its main function is to stimulate the production and release of growth factors. Especially during puberty this hormone peaks. It ensures strong bones and combats aging.

LH (Luteinizing hormone)

In men, LH (Luteinizing Hormone) is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. It affects the Leydig cells in the testes. These cells are stimulated to form the hormone testosterone.

Folic acid (vitamin B11)

Folic acid, also called vitamin B11, is not only useful for women during pregnancy. For men, good levels of folic acid also have clear benefits. It contributes to better fertility. It gives a better quality of sperm and reduces the risk of chromosomal changes, which may cause Down syndrome.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 plays an incredibly important role in bone strength. Contrary to what many people think, it's not just calcium that makes for strong bones. Calcium is the filler, magnesium and vitamin D3 ensure that it is properly absorbed. Vitamin D3 is mainly produced by the body under the influence of sunlight.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is an important vitamin for a properly functioning nervous system, the production of red blood cells (oxygen transport and thus more energy) and a healthy metabolism. A deficiency of vitamin B12 results in fatigue, a weakened immune system and allergies. In the context of anti-aging, vitamin B12 is an important indicator of your health.

In the Anti-Aging Man blood value test, all of these values are measured.