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What is the difference between the DAO and histamine test?

Question from Nancy: what is the difference between the DAO and the histamine test?
Which one should I do?

A: The DAO test measures whether you are allergic to histamine because you produce antibodies to it.

Histamine test from stool measures if you have too much histamine

If you don't know what's causing your symptoms, it's best to do both or start with one.



on 01 Feb 2024

I have bowel problems i.c.w. insomnia. Also suffer from migraines. Could this be histamine intolerance? And could this be due to the medications below? I am taking 40 mg Fluoxetine and 25 mg. Quetiapine.

Ellen van Gijsel

Ellen van Gijsel

on 02 Feb 2024

Given your symptoms of intestinal discomfort, insomnia, and migraines, it is possible that these are related to histamine intolerance. Both Fluoxetine and Quetiapine can affect your neurotransmitters and possibly affect the way your body processes histamine, although this does not directly indicate histamine intolerance. It may be helpful to consider both the DAO test and the histamine intolerance test from stool samples to determine if histamine intolerance plays a role in your symptoms. However, it is also important to discuss this with your doctor or practitioner, as these symptoms may also be caused by other conditions and your medication may interact with different processes in your body.

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