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What is the lower limit of the reference value for vitamin D?

Question from Deborah: Could you please indicate whether the laboratory used by blood value test uses the reference value of vitamin D as a lower limit of 75 nmol/l?

Answer: "A consensus seems to be emerging in Europe for 25-hydroxyvitamin D for a minimum value of 50 nmol/l and a target value of 75 nmol/l in serum."

However, some GP labs still use a value from 20 nmol/l as good, whereas at the time this value was adjusted upwards at most labs.


We therefore apply;

low concentration between 25 - 75 nmol/l

normal concentration: > 75 nmol/l

intoxication: > 250 nmol/l

Which is still conservative, most orthomolecular doctors and therapists use a much higher target value.

An acceptable value of vitamin D in the blood is set between 20 and 30 nmol/l (nanomol per liter). However, the target value (optimal value) for vitamin D varies by age group:
  • For the age category 0-64 years applies a target value of 50-75 nmol/l and this can be achieved with daily supplementation (intake) of 10 micrograms per day.
  • For people older than 65 years a target value of 75-100 nmol/l applies and this can be achieved with a daily supplementation of 20 micrograms per day.

Too much vitamin D is rare in practice, and according to the US National Academy of Medicine, 4000 IU (100 micrograms) per day is a safe upper limit in this regard.


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