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When can you test for Pfeiffer?

Question from Hilke: After how many days, after the first symptoms, can be tested for Pfeiffer?

Answer: In the serum, antibodies are formed during EBV infection against:
- The virus capsid antigen (= VCA), both IgM and IgG;
- The early virus antigen (early antigen = EA);
- The core antigen of the virus (Epstein-Barr virus Nuclear Antigen = EBNA).
With these serological parameters in the blood, it is possible to distinguish between a primary infection and a relapsed infection with Epstein-Barr virus.

The difference between a primary infection and a relapsed (old infection) is immunological:


- IgM against SCC present; AND IgG against SCC high or rising; AND antibodies against EBNA low or absent.

Passed through:

- VCA-IgM antibodies absent; AND VCA-IgG and EBNA antibodies present (these remain detectable for life).

Systemic reactivation of the virus, which always remains latent in B lymphocytes after primary infection, is possible. This is particularly seen in immuno-incompetent individuals.

About the time for taking diagnostics the following:

Approximately 0 to 2 weeks after the onset of clinical symptoms, an increase in IgG and IgM can be observed in the blood, the EBNA is not yet detectable. The window for collection and submission is therefore 4 to 10 days after the onset ofclinical symptoms.

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